What are you going to find?
The future of work is marked by changes, in which not only the very nature of work evolves, but also the mentality and priorities of professionals.
The motivations for choosing a job vary, and Generation Z prioritizes their personal life over their professional one. The pandemic has transformed the perception of work, with a growing demand for flexibility in terms of location, hours, and objectives.
However, regulation remains an unknown, adding uncertainty to the future labor landscape.
In these times of significant changes and deep transformations, industries around the world are experiencing notable impacts.
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The priorities have changed
Purpose, flexibility, and horizontality are the reasons why they choose a company and stay.
Young talent is not clear on how to make themselves visible.
They do not know what companies expect of them, and if their values do not align with those of the company, they are discarded.
HR continues to select as it used to.
Maintaining biases like “degree inflation” and very basic filters about the person.
Insufficient offer
There are no significant bets on differentiation in what to offer employees.
Attraction and retention of talent
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